Why do I exercise regularly, eat very little but not lose weight? 0Why do I exercise regularly, eat very little but not lose weight? 0

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

3 simple weight loss drinks for a beautiful body

Weight loss, a keyword that is of interest to the majority of women and achieves huge search results on information search engines.

You don’t get enough sleep

Why do I exercise regularly, eat very little but not lose weight?

Science proves the close relationship between the amount of sleep during the day and the amount of weight you accumulate.

Why do I exercise regularly, eat very little but not lose weight?

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

5 weight loss secrets to help you comfortably enjoy Tet food

You haven’t eaten enough

Why do I exercise regularly, eat very little but not lose weight?


You haven’t filled in 5 colors for each meal

Why do I exercise regularly, eat very little but not lose weight?

Make each plate of food as vivid and colorful as possible.

You eat while doing other things

When eating, get into the habit of focusing on your meal.

Why do I exercise regularly, eat very little but not lose weight?

You don’t let your body rest

Create a habit of resting and relaxing after each workout session.

You are not drinking enough water

Water is very good for the body.

You use drugs that cause weight gain

There are many daily oral medications that have side effects that cause weight gain and water retention in the body, typically daily birth control pills or gynecological medications.

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