What should you keep in mind when performing the microneedling method? 0What should you keep in mind when performing the microneedling method? 0

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Microneedling for facial skin is a method of creating microscopic lesions on the skin to stimulate the body to proliferate cells.

What should you keep in mind when performing the microneedling method?

When rolling needles on the skin, the skin reacts to these needle marks as wounds and creates many skin healing factors, mainly the regeneration and development of skin tissue, solving a number of problems.

On the market, there are many types of services with many types of dermarollers, prices ranging from 300,000 to 700,000 VND (mainly Chinese needles).

What should you keep in mind when performing the microneedling method?

If the quality of the needle is poor, the risk of damage to the skin is completely possible.

In addition, reusing needles, whether good needles or extremely cheap Chinese needles, carries risks.

What should you keep in mind when performing the microneedling method?

When performing microneedling on the face, the practitioner requires standard techniques and the patient needs to apply anesthetic to the facial skin (photo: shutterstock).

Things to note when choosing the needle rolling method for facial skin:

The dermaroller packaging must have complete information about the manufacturer, date of manufacture and expiration date.

The dermaroller must be sterile, placed in a sterile bag and the sterilization method must be clearly indicated: this is a mandatory condition. If in doubt or the packaging is torn, do not use it.

It is best to use a dermaroller from a manufacturer that has a CE certificate with a four-digit registration number (European Union standard) or is registered with the FDA.

Do not perform microneedling at home to avoid serious risks to your facial skin.

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