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Cosmetic Surgery

Today, beauty is understood according to the concept of the majority.

1. Breast augmentation

Considered the `king` of cosmetic surgeries, breast augmentation takes more than 2 billion dollars each year from women’s wallets.

Surgical incisions can be placed in a multitude of locations such as under the breast fold, at the edge of the areola (the brown area that includes the nipple and areola), in the areola, underarm or navel area.

What does cosmetic surgery do and how?

Phat Thuat takes advantage of my country

Risks of breast augmentation surgery:

• The implant may leak, break, or lose tension or bounce

• Postoperative infection

• Scar tissue becomes calloused, causing the breasts to feel tight, painful, distorted or the implant not fixed

• Bleed

• Hurt

• Nipples are not as sensitive as before

• Numbness around the implant area

• It is difficult to find breast tumors and breast changes through X-ray

• In some cases, breast implants can cause large numbers of lymphoma cells to develop – a rare cancer of the immune system.

Subjects undergoing breast augmentation:

Small bust, no cleavage

• Breasts sag after giving birth

• Breasts shrink due to age with sagging

• One side is big and the other is small

Women needing breast reconstruction after cancer treatment or an accident

If you find yourself not in the above 5 cases, don’t rush to destroy the `wonder` of your body to follow the general trend.

2. Liposuction

Fatty foods always seem attractive when eaten but are not fun when kept on a woman’s body.

In this case, liposuction surgery helps remove excess fatty tissue and quickly improve your figure.

What does cosmetic surgery do and how?

Abdominal liposuction

Subjects suitable for liposuction surgery:

Before performing liposuction surgery, you need to consult a doctor about the actual results on your body.

• Above average or slightly above average weight

• Firm, elastic skin

• Have good health

Fat pockets that do not respond to diet and exercise

Patients with cellulite-rich skin are not good candidates for liposuction surgery because they may develop uneven skin regeneration after surgery.

3. Nose correction surgery

According to Vietnamese beliefs, the nose is the part that determines a person’s fortune and destiny, especially women.

Risks of rhinoplasty surgery:

• Infection

• Vascular cisternae

• Red spots, shiny skin

• Bleeding under the skin

• Scars

4. Chin correction surgery

The Korean beauty trend hitting Vietnam has caused a stir among women as everyone wants to have a long and slender V-line chin.

What does cosmetic surgery do and how?

Chin correction surgery

Chin augmentation by surgery:

Basically, it means putting filler material (shaped silicone, Gore-tex, Medpor) inside your chin, creating a new chin shape for your face.

– Incision from the outside: With this method, the surgeon will make an incision on the outside of the skin and then insert the silicone pad inside.

– Incision from the inside: The doctor will make an incision and insert the silicone piece from inside your mouth, specifically in the lower gums.

Chin augmentation with filler:

Non-surgical chin augmentation with Filler compared to surgical chin augmentation is much simpler, does not take much time, does not require anesthesia and is quick to operate.

Chin reshaping surgery:

The chin bone is cut horizontally and brought forward.

It sounds simple, but all types of chin augmentation surgery cause long-term pain and usually take 1-3 months to recover.


With today’s modern and complete society, `good wood` has come with `good paint`.

See more Pros and cons of nose job

See more Why do women beautify themselves?

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