Smooth skin welcomes summer 1Smooth skin welcomes summer 1

1. Underarm area

Shaving: After applying the cream to the underarm area, shave from top to bottom, from bottom to top, from right to left and from left to right to remove all hairs in different positions.

Waxing: This is a method of `destroying the enemy` within 4-7 days.

Lazer: Go to reputable beauty salons or dermatological hospitals for thorough consultation before the procedure.

2. Arms

Smooth skin welcomes summer

Why you should wax: Even though 23% of women around the world currently use razors on their arms, most estheticians recommend waxing.

Reasons to remove hair with laser: Most women just want the `jungle` of the arm area to thin out, not `destroy` it completely, so the laser method with about 1-3 treatments can help the arm.

3. Bikini area

Smooth skin welcomes summer

Even though you have tried many methods for this sensitive skin area, waxing is still the way that brings the best results.

You can choose to wax yourself at home or go to a beauty salon to have it done by a professional, but remember to take pain reliever and anti-inflammatory medication (ibuprofen) 1 hour before waxing.

– First, make sure the `jungle` is long enough to wax, about 2-5 cm is best.

– Sit in front of the mirror, put one foot in front of you, put the other heel on this knee so that the bikini area is facing the mirror.

– Apply wax in the direction the `jungle` grows and when pulling the wax paper out, pull it in the opposite direction.

– After waxing, remember to apply skin-soothing lotion (cream with aloe vera, green tea, chamomile, etc.) to soothe red bumps.

4. Feet

Smooth skin welcomes summer

Shaving: 70% of women around the world are using this method for their legs.

Waxing: This method is a bit painful, but the results will last for several weeks.

Hair removal cream: Hair removal cream is especially effective for areas with thin and short hair, so using it on the legs will be more effective than the bikini area.

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