Please consider carefully before buying cheap fashion 0Please consider carefully before buying cheap fashion 0

The newly opened Zara store in Saigon is attracting a lot of attention from fashion lovers.

Not to miss hot news, a series of large and small online newspapers quickly brought reporters into Zara stores to compare prices between products sold in Vietnam and around the world.

The production speed of new clothes for low-cost fashion brands is approximately 2 weeks

Please consider carefully before buying cheap fashion

In just 2 weeks, the items you just bought may be considered outdated.

To continuously update global fashion trends, Zara, H&M and Forever 21 actively invest in fashion design and production to shorten the time to produce new models.

Please consider carefully before buying cheap fashion

Fashion world

The Forever 21 brand has escaped charges of `plagiarism` more than 50 times.

Cheap and `hot` means no longer unique and strange

This is a truth that does not need to be explained in the fashion world.

The product is designed to be difficult to repair and maintain

Please consider carefully before buying cheap fashion

How long will a pair of on-trend ripped jeans last?

The huge revenue of low-priced clothing brands like Zara, H&M and Forever 21 largely comes from customers’ need to renew their wardrobes through the seasons.

“A store like H&M produces hundreds of millions of items every year,” said Elizabeth Cline, author of Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion.

The earth cannot digest fashion

Please consider carefully before buying cheap fashion

A work of art that reflects the reality of current fashion waste by two Dutch designers Alexander van Slobbe and Francisco van Benthum.

According to Huffington Post, most clothing materials today are made from synthetic fibers (also known as chemical fabrics whose starting materials are coal, oil or gas), these substances when released

The item you are wearing was probably made by a child’s hands

Please consider carefully before buying cheap fashion

The collapse of a clothing factory in Bangladesh is a wake-up call for low-cost fashion brands.

To cut costs and keep up with rapidly increasing demand, many fashion companies are forced to find clothing factories in countries with cheap labor such as China, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh… Because the

Who actually makes the clothes you’re wearing?

In April 2013, the British newspaper Dailymail also caused a stir when it reported that fashion company Zara used child labor in factories in Argentina.

see more

Zara brand’s `bizarre` development strategy

The reclusive life of Zara’s owner

7 cheap fashion brands loved by stars

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