Nutritious foods help you look beautiful and have healthy skin 3Nutritious foods help you look beautiful and have healthy skin 3

Sometimes when we go to the supermarket, we feel confused when we `get lost` in the food section.

Spinach (spinach)

Spinach contains many nutrients that are beneficial for health.

Photo: cooksandkid.

For health, the Vitamin K content in spinach helps strengthen bones and supports the digestive system.

How to enjoy: We can eat spinach raw after washing it.


Avocado is a nutritious food rich in unsaturated fats that help improve heart and brain health.

Nutritious foods help you look beautiful and have healthy skin

Photo: Mike Garten

Scientists recommend that we eat 1 avocado a day to regulate hormone levels in the body.

Nutritious foods help you look beautiful and have healthy skin

Trends and Inspiration

Supplements are predicted to lead the way in 2018

How to enjoy: We can eat avocado directly or eat it with salads.


Almonds are nutritious foods containing high levels of unsaturated fats, protein and other nutrients that help prevent disease, smooth skin, and reduce stress.

Nutritious foods help you look beautiful and have healthy skin

Photo: medicalnewstoday

How to enjoy: We can eat almonds directly or make almond milk.

You should soak almonds before mixing them into milk.

4. Lemon

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, which helps fight oxidation and strengthen the body’s immune system.

Nutritious foods help you look beautiful and have healthy skin

Photo: Vicky Wasik.

How to enjoy: We can drink hot lemon water every morning to wake up and purify the body.


Blueberry nutritional foods contain very little sugar but are rich in fiber.

Nutritious foods help you look beautiful and have healthy skin

Photo: medicalnewstoday

How to enjoy: We can eat blueberries directly or make smoothies.

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