George Lukins's seven demons and the strangest exorcism of the 18th century 3George Lukins's seven demons and the strangest exorcism of the 18th century 3

Stories about exorcists always have great appeal to the public.

The beginning of the story

When he encountered the most controversial case of his life, Pastor Joseph Easterbrook was representing the Anglican Church at Temple Church in Bristol, England.

She said that this man was a tailor about forty years old and his name was George Lukins.

In these sounds, there are sounds that are not similar to the human voice.

George Lukins's seven demons and the strangest exorcism of the 18th century

Sarab Baber had lived in Yatton many years before the incident and she had a very different impression of Lukins.

Just thinking about being possessed by demons is enough to send chills down the listener’s spine, yet Lukins has had to live with demons for nearly two decades.

Strange slap

There are many conflicting sources about the reason why George Lukins was possessed by demons.

Someone even advised Lukins to undergo 18 months of supervision in St. George’s Hospital in London.

Like others, George Lukins also wondered about the reasons that led him into an ominous situation.

The slap, as many people call it `a divine slap`, also made him addicted to alcohol, according to acquaintances.

Not long after, George Lukins began sharing with those around him that he was cursed.

George Lukins’ exorcism

Reverend Easterbrook personally examined George Lukins when he arrived in Bristol.

George Lukins's seven demons and the strangest exorcism of the 18th century

Pastor Easterbrook sought help from several other dignitaries in the area to pray for Lukins and help him with the exorcism, such as Pastor John Valton and Pastor John Wesley.

Exorcisms take place in many ways, through rituals that include command and control for the demon to leave.

George Lukins after the exorcism

After the clergy ordered the demon to leave George’s body and return to hell, he seemed to return to his normal state.

What’s more interesting is that Pastor Easterbrook believes that this is a successful subtraction.

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