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Have you heard of avocado’s benefits for losing weight and maintaining a slim figure?

Unsaturated fats: do not need to be avoided

With their roles of providing energy, protecting organs, maintaining cell membranes, and helping the body absorb nutrients, fats are essential for the body’s normal development.

Nutrition experts, and even people who regularly lose weight, confirm that the cause of obesity is the total nutritional content of a meal, not the fat.

Although studies from more than 50 years have confirmed that saturated fats increase unhealthy cholesterol (or LDL).

This means, the type of fat you eat during your weight loss phase should be unsaturated fats that come from fish, nuts, green vegetables, olive oil, and avocados.

Fat burns fat

The body needs three nutrients for energy: Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

In addition, “old” fat is often stored in the tissues around the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks (also known as subcutaneous fat) – and will not be burned effectively without “new” fat.

Fat loss

Fat keeps you full

Fat is not an easily digestible nutrient, so it stays in the digestive system longer than other nutrients.

In fact, diets high in omega-3 fatty acids prolonged feelings of fullness for up to 2 hours longer than meals low in fatty acids.

Fat makes you happy

Everyone thinks that eating low-fat versions of our favorite foods will make us feel delicious, but can help us lose weight.

Recent research from Purdue University shows that our taste buds can detect fat in food.

Fat builds muscle

“Eating good fats, along with an effective exercise program can increase muscle mass,” says trainer Rachel Cosgrove.

In a study published in Clinical Science 2011, researchers examined the effects of fat in adults aged 25-45, and found that fat increased protein levels and the size of cells

Fat increases the effectiveness of nutrients

Nutrients including vitamins A, D, E, and K are typically fat-soluble, meaning the body cannot absorb them without fat.

Fats are actually good for us in so many ways, but before you decide whether your meal will consist of pizza, french fries or hamburgers, remember this: not all fats are equal.

See also 10 things you need to know about healthy eating

See also Natural foods that boost collagen

See more 10 effective weight loss foods

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