Dark circles around the eyes make the face pale and lifeless.
1. Treat dark eye circles with a mixture of wheat flour, rice flour, cucumber and vitamin E
Cucumbers contain high levels of vitamin K and antioxidants that help with blood circulation.
Photo: 123RF
Cucumber juice (1 fruit)
Wheat flour (3 teaspoons)
Rice flour (3 teaspoons)
Vitamin E (1 tablet)
Mix all ingredients well and put in the refrigerator before using.
2. Apply a mixture of cucumber, potato, honey and aloe vera gel
Potatoes help provide antioxidants such as vitamin C to the skin.
Potato juice (1 tuber)
Cucumber juice (1 fruit)
Aloe vera gel (1 teaspoon)
Honey (1 teaspoon)
Put the mixture in the refrigerator, then apply it to your eyes for about 10-15 minutes.
3. Apply a mixture of vitamin E and water distilled from rose petals
Water distilled from rose petals helps remove remaining dirt on the skin and helps balance the skin after washing your face.
Vitamin E (1 tablet)
Water distilled from rose petals (4-5 drops)
Apply this mixture on your eyes before going to bed and wash your face the next morning.
Photo: Freepik
The mixture of vitamin E and rose water also helps the skin to be fully moisturized and become whiter and smoother.
4. Apply a mixture of turmeric, tomatoes, yogurt and rice powder
Turmeric is a natural antioxidant that you can easily find in your kitchen cupboard.
In addition to lemon, tomatoes are also considered a natural and safe detergent that can exfoliate and brighten the skin.
Probiotics and lactic acid in milk also help remove dead cells and brighten the skin around the eyes.
Photo: Freepik
Tomato (1 fruit, can be pureed or juiced)
Turmeric powder (1 teaspoon)
Rice flour (1 teaspoon)
Yogurt (2 teaspoons)
Mix the mixture well and put it in the refrigerator before applying it to your eyes.
Note: Yogurt and tomatoes can easily cause sunburn, so don’t forget to use sunscreen when going out.
5. Apply a mixture of mint leaves and lemon juice
Silver leaves contain high antibacterial properties and are very good for the blood circulation system.
Lemon contains nitric acid and vitamin C to help lighten skin naturally, safely and effectively.
Mint leaves (4-5 leaves)
Lemon juice: (4-5 drops)
Photo: iStock
Grind 4-5 mint leaves (you can squeeze the juice) then add 4-5 drops of lemon juice.
Note: Lemon and mint have a bitter taste that will sting your eyes, so you should close your eyes when applying this mask.
6. Apply a mixture of vitamin E and olive oil (or coconut oil, almond oil, etc.)
Vitamin E is great for hydrating and improving skin elasticity.
You can make your own moisturizer with vitamin E, cocoa butter, coconut oil wax, olive oil and any natural essential oil according to the following recipe:
Vitamin E (1 tablet)
Coconut oil (5 teaspoons)
Essential oil (1 drop)
Mix well and place in the refrigerator until the coconut oil turns into wax.
See more:
Everything you need to know to completely treat dark eye circles
Tips to effectively treat dark eye circles from nature