Each kilo tells a story 0Each kilo tells a story 0

Losing weight helps you get ahead

Having a slim figure does not mean being happy.

Losing weight properly also helps you look younger.

Sick to love or love to get sick?

Sticking to a weight loss regimen feels like an extraordinary sacrifice.

And what is spending a few weeks or a few months compared to the length of your life?

To lose weight: eat less or eat more?

Every time we want to lose weight, we receive 3 pieces of advice: eat less, eat more and exercise.

What must be cut?

If you want to lose weight, don’t just cut down on foods that make you gain weight like sugar and fat.

So what should you eat?

Our bodies get energy from sugars, fats and proteins.

Every kilo is a story

Women have two stories: the first is the story of hormones, puberty, birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause and the story of life events.


Graduated in Paris and has been researching weight issues for 25 years with famous works around the world.

Each kilo tells a story

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