4 good habits to improve health in 2017 24 good habits to improve health in 2017 2

So suddenly the number of registered members at gyms and sports centers increased dramatically, fashion stores simultaneously put activewear near the entrance for customers to easily choose.

As always, starting good habits is easy, keeping them for a long time is difficult.

One more, one less

The destination, no matter how far, must begin with the first step.

Physically healthy

Everyone’s body is only one.

Choose a physical activity you enjoy, even if it’s walking from home

go to the market, dance salsa, zumba, or meditate with yoga;

4 good habits to improve health in 2017

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

10 uses of green tea powder to improve health

Science has proven that meditation reduces stress, anxiety and helps you feel more peaceful.

4 good habits to improve health in 2017

Science has proven that meditation reduces stress, anxiety and helps you feel more peaceful.

Science has proven that meditation reduces stress, anxiety and helps you feel more peaceful.

In the desert, the scenery changes every day whether the wind is calm or stormy.

4 good habits to improve health in 2017


Remember the 6 golden rules to create good habits

1. Go to bed before 10 pm.

2. Every morning when you wake up, drink a glass

Warm water mixed with a little honey and some

lemon drops.

3. Count from 1 to 9, breathe in 3 times,

exhale 6 times.

4. Be grateful for life every day.

5. Don’t be angry with anyone.

6. Find joy in things,

small incident.

Step one, step two.

see more

Create good habits to be ready to welcome a new season

8 good habits to help you always be loved

Summary of the top 16 outstanding health training trends in 2016

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